Kamis, 19 November 2009

All about Me

I was the second child of four children, I was born in jakarta.i living with my parents and my sister and my brother.my life is very happy where both my parents love me.my purpose in life is when I'm happy they'll achieve success.I will always strive hard to achieve success later that my parents proud of me.
I really liked many things about Japanese culture..My hobby is to demonstrate the Japanese anime character, who is often called the Cosplayer.
My daily activities are lectures, sometimes in my spare time I've been hanging out with friends in college.
on holiday I would rather spend my time with the family, such as travel out of town or just chatting at home.
That's a glimpse of my daily life

Personal Data:

Name: Elky Raeza Prasetio
Place / Date of Birth: Depok, June 15, 1989
Address: Perum. Griya Merdeka Timur Depok
Gender: Male
Religion: Islam
Status: Not Married
Phone: 021-77840xxx

Educational Data:

Elementary School (SD) Completed in 2001
Junior School (SMP) Completed in 2004
High School (SMU) Completed in 2007
University Gunadarma (Fak. Computer Science) Year 2007 - Now

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